Birds of North Florida & Panhandle

$8.95 USD


Birds of North Florida including the Panhandle

This guide covers the area from Ormond Beach north to Jacksonville on the east coast and from Crystal River north on the west coast, all of the way around to Pensacola in the panhandle. 

This waterproof guide beautifully illustrates over 120 species of birds that can be found in North Florida including the Panhandle. Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Florida Scrub Jay, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Wood Stork, Bachman’s Sparrow are some of the “specialties” included in this guide. 

This pocket-sized guide features color photos in a side-by-side format that makes it ideal for field use. It includes common and scientific names, length, wing span and season when these birds can be seen. Nature enthusiast of all ages will enjoy using this guide. 

Photographs and text by Larry Manfredi.